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Sega HD Adaptors and new pickups

 Happy Tuesday fellow gamers. I now have HD Adaptors for my Sega Saturn and Sega Dreamcast. I will be doing reviews of them shortly, I am just waiting on my capture card for footage. A few odds and ends that I played growing up and want to share with everyone else. Look out within the week of my reviews of the adaptors and games. If anyone has any specific games they would like to see running via HDMI through either system, drop a comment and I will see what I can do!
Recent posts

Starting from Zero - A new adventure in game collecting

 Seasons greetings and happy new year folks. I have not maintained this blog in a long long time. Over the last several years for personal reasons and financial hardships, I stopped collecting actively and rarely enjoyed time to play the games I owned. I have sold off 98% of my entire collection to help my family in time of need. I am happy to say though, the rough seas have now turned into calm waters. We are house hunting for a home with a large enough space for an entertainment room. My four (soon to be 5) kids love playing games old and new. So I look forward to restarting this journey with them. As of now my collection consists of a few systems I held onto and even less games. Current consoles in my collection :  Green Halo Edition XBOX  XBOX Series X Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast Sega Genesis Sega 32x Nintendo Gamecube Nintendo Wii (modded) Nintendo Wii U Nintendo Switch Nintendo Gameboy Nintendo Gameboy Color - Purple Nintendo New 3DS XL (Monster Hunter ver.) PSOne PS2 (JP) PS3 PS4

I'm not dead, I promise *long overdue update*

Hello fellow collectors! I'm still alive! Awesome right!? I really apologize, with getting my business off the ground this last year I really haven't collected much at all. I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things and have a nice bunch of Saturn Imports on their way. I know I been promising repair guides, and I totally did a few repairs and took pictures! With my *old* phone...which no longer exists lol. I will eventually get them up here since I do have a few more systems to repair. Until then here is an update on my NON Phantasy Star Online collection...aka I have most of the pre-online games that are out there except both Game Gear Games. All these are complete with strategy guides, manuals, and maps. This is both US and JP collection, including the PS2 versions , Saturn and GBA collections, and the Mega CD compilations containing the text adventures.

Game Gear Repairs & Incoming Breath of Fire Review

Hey fellow retro gamers and collectors. I been promising a step by step tutorial on fixing common Game Gear issues such as low to no audio and no video. Well... finally I will be doing them. Also I'm going through my newly acquired copy of Breath of Fire thanks to a good friend of mine. The review will be posted soon as I finish!

Thy Super Famicom Hath Landed!

So I'm happy this came in the mail today and I wanted to share with everyone!  

Change in name and style - Updated finds

    Hey guys, so I've decided..since lately I have been coming across way more NON - Sega stuff, I think it would be best to change my philosophy here and cover everything. I haven't given up on completing my Genesis collection, but I changed the name to be more generic and I will do posts on other things gaming besides just the Genesis collection and reviews. Yay? Nay? First I wanted to start by throwing pics of some of my more recent pickups. Also have a few coming in the mail which you guys will probably find pretty neat. So without further adieu....

Game Collection Re-Organization

               Hey guys, so I been picking up a few new pieces to my collection. Sorry again for the lack of updates, I figured I'd have more time to fit gaming/reviews and other projects in, but I haven't. I just re-organized my game collection though and figured I'd post pics to give you guys an idea how my Genesis CIB collection is coming along. Also posted pictures of my non Genesis stuff. Enjoy!