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Starting from Zero - A new adventure in game collecting

 Seasons greetings and happy new year folks. I have not maintained this blog in a long long time. Over the last several years for personal reasons and financial hardships, I stopped collecting actively and rarely enjoyed time to play the games I owned. I have sold off 98% of my entire collection to help my family in time of need. I am happy to say though, the rough seas have now turned into calm waters. We are house hunting for a home with a large enough space for an entertainment room. My four (soon to be 5) kids love playing games old and new. So I look forward to restarting this journey with them. As of now my collection consists of a few systems I held onto and even less games.

Current consoles in my collection : 

Green Halo Edition XBOX 

XBOX Series X

Sega Saturn

Sega Dreamcast

Sega Genesis

Sega 32x

Nintendo Gamecube

Nintendo Wii (modded)

Nintendo Wii U

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Gameboy

Nintendo Gameboy Color - Purple

Nintendo New 3DS XL (Monster Hunter ver.)


PS2 (JP)





PSVR (not really a system, but unique to be considered seperate)

Turbo Grafx Express

I know what some people are thinking...sold off 98% and still have all these consoles?

I have not updated my collection count before I sold it off, however my collection contained over 1,000 games from various consoles. I also collected limited edition consoles and did sell off quite a few of those. I still may have a few things tucked away that I thought sold and did not. I will be doing one more sweep before taking new total count. 

So this is me restarting. I have almost no games to play on these systems and more than a few were my spares that I needed to repair. With the prospect of a new space for an actual game room. Kids who are older now and interested in playing and collecting classic games, this reinvigorated me into collecting. I have decided though to make a change in how I approach it. My collection was so big before because I collected any and everything, if the price was right. Many of the games I had no interest in playing or didn't even like. So this time around I will be sticking strictly with sytems and games that have nostalgic value from my childhood, games I love, or really want to play. I was sad to sell off my collection before, but focusing on the important things should make me more focused and able to be more passionate about it. Things will probably be slow moving on the collecting front for a few months into the first half of the year with house hunting and a new baby on the way. I will be buying very little, and probably more focused on repairing things to get them up and running. If anyone wants to come along with us on that journey, then definitely check back.

Also I want to get into modding systems vs just doing basic repairs. That is another journey and something that will take me some time to learn and get right no doubt. 

Lets hear from you all. What are some of your favorite items in your collection? Have you ever had to sell stuff out of it before? Are there any mods/repairs you are curious on and would like me to post about or make videos on? Thanks for reading. Game on!


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