Hey fellow collectors and curious cats! Not much to report - still don't have any space to really work with so I been limited to what I been picking up. However I had a great general find at a garage sale. Got a PS2 - 2 model 1 genesis - 2 model 2 genesis- 1 model 1 Sega CD - 1 Nintendo 64...all for...$20 bucks. Tested the PS2 and cleaned it up and it works all fine and dandy...it's obvious someone had these packed away in their musty basement for years. The 64 works and I haven't had a chance to check the Genesis' yet as I had to clean an area up around my TV lol. Unfortunately the Sega CD unit is missing the front cover, so the insides are showing and are quite dirty...not sure if it works..I'm going to test it anyways because finding model 1 Sega CD units...well...lets say they aren't often found. I figure if it at least powers on, I can clean it up and take the front cover off a dead unit. Also found a Blue Boxed re-release version of Night Trap. The lady ...
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