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Showing posts from 2012

Winter Gaming Sessions and Reviews + Updates

              Hey fellow Gamers and Collectors, now that I closed up the business for the season, I have plenty of time to game. I been playing my Wii U a lot though, so haven't gotten around to playing my Genesis. No new pick ups except for a mint copy of Evolution 2 for the Dreamcast. Shout out to Melanie for hooking me up with that!       Now that I have more free time and got my 6 foot Genesis controller extension cable in the mail...(I really hate having to be so close to the TV), I can relax in bed and play some games and write some reviews. Also I hope to have a semi-professional HD Camcorder and a nice microphone to do some live stuff which I will post to a youtube page. I know I promised some repair tips and notes, but I haven't had anything to repair...strangely enough (with the exception of the last lot of rusted genesis units) every thing I found recently has worked. I'm going to try to find some non functional units so I can snap pictures and pose some guid

Awesome Find of the Month

    Hey Gamers and fellow collectors!!! So finally been able to get out and do some game hunting...needless to say...had the best find I've had in quite some time....thank you Amvets....if only the Salvation Army and Goodwill could give me great finds like these...Anyways...I'll let the pictures do the talking... All these lovely gems for...$21 bucks at Amvets :) worth ...well if I sold these in current condition on ebay I'd bring back at least $100 if I put them up without much other competition on the listings. So I think I'm going to switch my blog over to a webshow now that I will have more time on my hands...thoughts on this? I will have another update soon!

Find Update

Hey guys. Not a whole lot on the find front for my Sega collection. Lately I've been coming across tons of Nintendo stuff though. My GF is a Nintendo person and has a lot of stuff, but I figured why not start adding to my game room if its the right price...right? Right! So my recent finds have been a N64 with several controllers and games , an SNES model 1 with tons of games and controllers, aaaannddd....a model 2 or mini SNES which I'm pretty stoked that I found out in the wild...and for only $10 bucks! There really hasn't been any major game finds lately or cool oddities, but I will take a picture of the Nintendo lot soon as I wake up a little more and add it. Really hoping to get a house soon so I have room for all my stuff. For those who don't know...I had an apartment loaded with stuff, but decided to move back home to save money for a house...well taking an apartment full of video game and other goodies back to a bedroom..not the best idea lol....we have wallp

Quick Update

Hey fellow collectors and curious cats! Not much to report - still don't have any space to really work with so I been limited to what I been picking up. However I had a great general find at a garage sale. Got a PS2 - 2 model 1 genesis - 2 model 2 genesis- 1 model 1 Sega CD - 1 Nintendo 64...all for...$20 bucks. Tested the PS2 and cleaned it up and it works all fine and's obvious someone had these packed away in their musty basement for years. The 64 works and I haven't had a chance to check the Genesis' yet as I had to clean an area up around my TV lol. Unfortunately the Sega CD unit is missing the front cover, so the insides are showing and are quite dirty...not sure if it works..I'm going to test it anyways because finding model 1 Sega CD units...well...lets say they aren't often found. I figure if it at least powers on, I can clean it up and take the front cover off a dead unit. Also found a Blue Boxed re-release version of Night Trap. The lady

Long Overdue Update & Clue Review

         Hey guys, sorry to my readers for not updating in near 2 months. There has been so much going on and I just haven't had the time. Also until I get a bigger area to store my games..I had to put a halt on picking new things room is so packed with games and other crap I can barely move lol. Work has been hectic, BUT...we close down every I will have some downtime until September. On another note...I'm launching a new business....some people know I run my parents Garden Center / Farmers Market stand...its great money, but we close during the Winter..and it gets am I fixing that? ::drum roll::       The Dragons Den : Anime, Comics, Gaming & More        I will have a website up and running sometime this fall. I have a location and this winter will be fixing it up. It is going to be a brick and mortar store in the greater Buffalo, NY area. I will be carrying D20 gaming supplies such as D&D, Pathfinder, etc etc. Anime, Magic

Sega Genesis Kiosk...Maybe...

Contacted a guy on craigslist not far from me about a Sega Genesis Kiosk - it's in mint condition....drooling over adding this to my collection...for the right price...I put in an offer since no one took it yet. I will keep you all updated!

Latest Finds

OK, so after finally picking up some new stuff for the first time in a while...I can finally update about it! So I've had a Sega CD model 2 for close to 10 years, but unfortunately the CD spindle broke and fell into the unit...don't ask how this happened...It just did, it was pretty wonky when I got it in the first place. I finally got my hands on a working model 2 unit in mint condition in the box...thank you craigslist people who sell crap loads of games for dirt cheap! Lately there has been a lot of game lots going up for ridiculously cheap and I finally capitalized. Also scored a Genesis Model 1 Box...both boxes are in rough shape, but they will do well in my collection until I find ones in mint condition. I already have 2 Boxes Genesis model 2's in great condition. One is the Sonic 2 box and the other is the Lion King box. So..on top of those...I scored an official Sega Dreamcast Carrying Case...this made me very happy! A 3rd Party Joystick, what seems to be a turbo

Long Awaited Update

Holy cow...hey guys, sorry for my silence. Work has been hectic and I was at the Anime North convention this past weekend AND my car pretty much was on it's last I bought a new about cash poor...BUT...I have money back in my pocket and hopefully I will have a good find update for ya'll by Monday and I can get some more gaming in for that the heavy part of the work season is over in another 2 weeks or so I can also get to modding my systems and doing some fun stuff. Check back soon for an update!

Dark Castle Review

So. Remember back in the day before most people read gaming magazines and heard if games were good before they bought them? I do. I remember picking out new NES games for my parents to buy me because they looked cool on the box...only to play them and have my child heart broken. I threw game controllers into the wall like it was nobodies business. To bad they don't make them like they used to, simple and indestructible from your anger lol. Anyways, I never played Dark Castle when I was a kid, but I'm sure if you did...this story will touch home with you...this game is so lame I actually feel bad for wasting everyone's time by writing this review, because I know its just going to make people curious to see how bad it is. I'm going to make this simple...                                                NA Cover Art Title Screen Gameplay Screenshot Chose Level Screenshot For some unknown reason you have to beat the Black Knight in the

Awesome Find of the Week!

So, sorry for the slowness at putting up posts. It's been very hectic at work, had a record mothers day weekend. Great since that puts more money into my pocket, but I've been pretty beat. Went to see the Avengers last night as a nice treat for being so busy...and I must was Epic. Epic. Epic! I already own 1 model 1 and 2 model 2' why not pick up a 3rd model 2!? I don't mind when its boxed and the box looks like it warped off of the shelf in 1991 lol. I already have the model 2 box with sonic 2, now I have the Lion King boxed :P huzzah... So I tried playing Dark Castle so I can write a review on it...and...well...I will be writing a review soon...but..It's going to be hard...since it is so

Collecting Milestone!

Hey guys, pretty I officially hit the 100 game milestone in my Genesis collection! Nothing spectacular - all pretty common games - but boy do I love complete games..especially when they look virtually untouched and with the top retail tabs on them! Yes Frogger is in the cardboard case..but..I will take it.                                              Frogger, Columns, Fung and Games, Pac-Attack Oh, oh, oh! whats better than complete games? Yeah, thats right. Complete games with posters!!! I'm so happy I reached this milestone of 100, but I still have a long journey ahead to a completed collection. So thanks to everyone who has been following and to those who suppose my classic gaming habits !

Streets of Rage 2 Review and Then Some!

Hey guys, sorry about the short disappearing act. Here is my review on another classic, Streets of Rage 2! Also known outside the U.S. as Bare Knuckle - which if you pay attention to the arcade machines in the game that you destroy in the first stage..says Bare Knuckle! Little tid-bit of info for ya's. Also I've been contemplating modding my genesis with an S-Video input and Overclocking the system. More of that though after the review. Title: Streets of Rage 2 Platform: Sega Genesis Release Date: December 20, 1992 (North America) Developer: Sega (AM7) Publisher: Sega North American Box Art Title Screen Gameplay Screenshot        A year has passed since the events of   Streets of Rage . To celebrate the defeat of the mysterious "Mr. X" and his syndicate the previous year, Adam Hunter, Axel Stone, and Blaze Fielding met at their favorite nightspot in the city and spent their time reminiscing about their vigilante crusade again

Genesis Controller Types + Reviews

Happy Friday Gamers! Today I want to take some time to cover different controller types. I happen to have 4 different types of controllers for the genesis, each unique in their own way. Are there more than 4? I'm pretty sure yes, but these are what I've been able to find and get pictures of. So lets start with the original... The original Genesis controller....while not quite the behemoth that is the original XBOX's still large and awkward. I never liked it. Don't get me wrong, it does the job, BUT, to someone with smaller hands it is not very comfortable. Also the D-Pad on these versions are more likely to go after time and become unresponsive. Some people don't mind the bulk to it...but, it's not for me. This is a variant of the original controller called the Megafire. It's the exact same in every way except it has the Auto feature similar to the smaller 6 button controllers Turbo/Normal/Slow switches. Also the end connector

Basic Issues With the Genesis + A New Review : World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

Hey everyone, just a short post today - I'm not planning on going to in depth as I've already repaired what I have, but when I fix a friends Model 1 Genesis I will make sure I do pictures to help. So, I just want to bring of 2 specific issues that are common place in an older system like the Sega Genesis... Issue 1 : Loose A/C connector in the back. Find yourself  having to wiggle your power cord around to get the power to stay on? Simple problem with a simple fix. All you need is a Soldering Iron and some Flux. You can buy a cheap kit from Sears for about $10. All this problem is, is the solder connecting the power input to the main board has corroded away over time. All you have to do is re-solder the connectors and voila! Problem solved. Issue 2:  Intermittent connection issues with the controllers. Recently in the middle of a battle in Shining Force my controller decided to sporadically work. Sometimes it wouldn't work at all, others I can only move left. Some games

First Review : Shining Force

Ok guys, here is my first ever review - Shining Force. This is a game I beat a long time ago, but just finished going back through it again. My review style may change over the course of the different reviews, but stick with me and I'm sure I will find an easy to follow style. So here it goes!                                              Shining Force Review by Genesaturn Box Art Title Screen Main Battle Map Combat  Synopsis:   The Continent of Rune has slumbered in peace for 50 generations. A horde of invaders swarm across the border, while a dragon that has slept for centuries stirs in its tomb. Only the king's youngest swordsman and his war party and defy the Dark Dragons evil power and crush the mighty army! - As stated on the back of the game box. Plot:   So the main plot of the game isn't something we haven't seen before, but when the game came out it was pretty unique. For the most part the story is simple and you generally kn